Tham khảo Armand_Jean_du_Plessis_de_Richelieu

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  • Auchincloss, Louis. Richelieu. Viking Press. (1972)
  • Bergin, Joseph. The Rise of Richelieu. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (1997)
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  • Phillips, Henry. Church and Culture in Seventeenth Century France. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1997)
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  • Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald. Europe's physician: the various life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne. Yale: Yale University Press. (2006) ISBN 978-0-300-11263-4
  • Wedgewood, C. V. The Thirty Years War. London: Methuen. (1981)
  • Zagorin, Perez. Rebels and Rulers, 1500-1660. Volume II: Provincial rebellion: Revolutionary civil wars, 1560-1660. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1992)